Saturday, December 7, 2013

Company codes X1YZ/X1YZ do not appear in proposal XX/XX/XXXX REMI2

Solution :
* That’s generic error for payment run, check whether there are any due items as on date (tcode fbl1n). You can also change the baseline date there and rerun it. if you still get same error.. Check the proposal log, you will find the reason.
* Try to see first whether any open items exist. By using FBL1N.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

T.Code for CIN Module

SPRO    Select Tax Calculation Procedure (TAXINN or TAXINJ ) & Assign 
        the Country to calculation procedure
SPRO    Classify Condition Types
SPRO    Assign Tax Code to Company Codes
SPRO    Specify Excise Accounts per Excise Transaction
SPRO    Specify G/L Accounts per Excise Transaction
FTXP    Tax Code Maintenance
FV11    Maintenance of Condition Record 
J1ID    Excise Rate Maintenance
J1I2    Prepare a sales tax register
J1I3    Create outgoing excise invoices in batches
J1I5    Update the RG 1 and Part I registers
J1IEX   Incoming Excise Invoices (central transaction)
J1IEX_C Capture an incoming excise invoice (excise clerk)
J1IEX_P Post an incoming excise invoice (excise supervisor)
J1IF01  Create a subcontracting challan
J1IF11  Change a subcontracting challan
J1IF12  Display a subcontracting challan
J1IF13  Complete, reverse, or re-credit a subcontracting challan
J1IFQ   Reconcile quantities for subcontracting challans
J1IFR   List subcontracting challans
J1IH    Make a CENVAT adjustment posting
J1IIN   Create an outgoing excise invoice
J1IJ    Assign excise invoices to a delivery for sales from depots
J1INJV  Adjust withholding tax Item
J1INREP Reprint a withholding tax certificate for a vendor
J1IQ    Year-End Income Tax Depreciation Report
J1IR    Download register data
J1IS    Process an excise invoice (outgoing) for other movements
J1IU    Process exemption forms
J1IW    Verify and post an incoming excise invoice
J1IX    Create an incoming excise invoice (without reference to purchase order)
J2I8    Transfer excise duty to CENVAT account
J2IU    Remit excise duty fortnightly
J2I9    Monthly CENVAT return
J1IG    Excise invoice entry at depot
J1IGA   Create additional excise entry at depot
J2I5    Extract data for excise registers
J2I6    Print excise registers 
FTXP    Tax Code Maintenance
FV11    Creating Condition Record
OB40    Define G/L Account for Taxes

J1I9 Maintenance of Number Range Object via J1I9

J_1A_AAWBL     Internal Way Bill Number for Asset Movements
J_1ANUMBER     Number range for additional Argentine document number
J_1AOFFDOC     Numbering Object for Official Documents
J_1APRNTCH     Number ranges for printing characters
J_1BNFDOCN     Nota Fiscal document number
J_1BNFNUMB     Nota fiscal number
J_1I57FC       57FC Number Range Object
J_1IARE1       ARE1 Doc No object based on Series Group
J_1IARE3       ARE3 Doc No object based on Series Group
J_1IBOND       Excise Bonding: Bond number object
J_1ICERT       Withholding Tax Certificates (India)
J_1ICHLNNO     Internal number range for challans
J_1ICONPLA     Consolidated PLA serial no. generation
J_1IDEPINV     Excise Invoice Number for Depot Invoices
J_1IEXCEXP     Export excise invoice number range
J_1IEXCINV     Excise invoice number
J_1IEXCLOC     Local excise invoice number range
J_1IEXCTST     Excise invoice with intervals
J_1IEXINEX     Excise invoice number for export
J_1IINTNUM     Internally document number to be generated
J_1IINTPR2     Dispatch serial number
J_1ILIC Excise Bonding: License number object
J_1IPLA2       PLA part II number range object
J_1IRG1 RG1 Number range object
J_1IRG1_T      No. Range for RG1 - Excise group / Material
J_1IRG23A1     RG23A part 1 no. range object
J_1IRG23A2     RG23A part II number range object
J_1IRG23C1     RG23C part I number range object
J_1IRG23C2     RG23C part II number range object
J_1IRG23D      Folio Numbers for RG 23D

All SAP Messages

F5453 Bank data is missing for country & bank key &; read long text - F5453

Create Bank key via t.code - FI01